



Reception-Domotica-hotel Camera-Domotica-hotel Bagno-Domotica-hotel Wellness-Domotica-hotel Ristorante-aree-comuni-Domotica-hotel cucina-e-locali-tecnici-Domotica-hotel Aree-esterne-Domotica-hotel
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Room Bathroom Wellness Restaurant and common areas Kitchen and technical areas External areas


With DOMINA Hotel you can enjoy multiple benefits, both in organizational and economic terms. Inside the reception the hotel automation system developed by Ave is able to ensure a total control of the structures where is installed.

DOMINA Hotel is a guarantee of reliability. Directly from the computer placed inside the reception you can view in a completely intuitive way the occupied status of the hotel and monitor individually each room. The staff can have a great help to increase the comfort for guests, reduce disruptions and optimize the management of energy consumption.


Prenotazioni-interfacciamento-gestionali-Domotica-hotel RESERVATIONS MANAGEMENT
Thanks to the integrated technology, DOMINA Hotel is able to interface with the most common booking software enabling you:

  • to manage reservationsthrough clear and intuitive user interface
  • to retrieve at the check-in all the user information provided during booking
  • to create custom access card
Controllo-accessi-Domotica-hotel ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM
The Ave Hotel management software has been developed to have the total control of the structures where is installed. Through a simplified user interface it’s possible:

  • to monitor in real-time the occupancy’s status of all rooms through a unique window
  • to monitor individually each room
  • to recognize immediately the access of unauthorized person
Risparmio-energetico-AVE-Domotica-Hotel ENERGY SAVINGS
With DOMINA HOTEL you can enjoy maximum comfort and limiting concretely energy waste. In fact, the system is able:

  • to manage automatically lighting, temperature and climate control in each room
  • to time or disconnect loads into each room and areas of the structure
Monitoraggio-camere-e-aree-comuni-Domotica-hotel MONITORING OF ROOMS AND COMMON AREAS
The hotel management software developed by Ave allows you to individually monitor each room and common areas in detail. From the dedicated window, you can check or change any operating parameter of:

  • cooling, heating and aspiration systems
  • lighting and electrical systems
  • the state of motorized blinds or windows
  • opening/closing of the doors
  • any connected devicessuch as pumps or irrigation systems
The supervision of the rooms allows you to check the effective tidying status directly from the reception. It’s sufficient that the cleaners or housekeeper press the appropriate button located on the internal card reader where is inlaid her card; from the PC placed into the reception you can view immediately the happened tidying of the room. This function allows you to have more control over your employees and instantly check the real status of your rooms
Antincendio-Domotica-hotel_ FIRE DETECTION
Thanks to the perfect integration between the DOMINA Hotel and DOMINA Antincendio System, the reception PC turns into a real remote control panel that – in case of alarm or fault – allows:

  • to visualize a pop-up window containing all the information related to the alert
  • to receive an acoustic signal that draws attention of personnel
Videosorveglianza-Domotica-Hotel-1 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE
Thanks to the advanced DOMINAplus Touch Screens, you can constantly monitor in real time your hotels. The video surveillance system makes it possible:

  • to watch the video of IP cams in real-time from Touch Screens
  • to remote control via the remote service through an internet connection
  • to integrate several cameras and supervise each area of your hotel