Restaurant and common areas


Ristorante-aree-comuni-Domotica-hotel Reception-Domotica-hotel Camera-Domotica-hotel Bagno-Domotica-hotel Wellness-Domotica-hotel cucina-e-locali-tecnici-Domotica-hotel Aree-esterne-Domotica-hotel
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Restaurant and common areas
Reception Room Bathroom Wellness Kitchen and common areas External areas


Through smart solutions, designed to meet both the needs of guests and operators, DOMINA Hotel is able to ensure maximum safety in the restaurant and common areas such as the lobby, corridors and hallways..

In this rooms, Ave’s hotel automation allows the safe management of technical alarms such as water or gas leaks, but also reduce energy waste allowing the timing and the disconnection of loads according to needs.


Supervisione-stanze-e-aree-comuni-Domotica-hotel-1 REMOTE SUPERVISION

The hotel management software developed by Ave allows you to bring security to another level. Each common area can be comfortably controlled:

  • watching the opened status of all doors and windows
  • storing all access made by staff
tirante-bagno-Domotica-hotel EMERGENCY CALLS

Thanks to perfect integration with the Emergency Call System, DOMINA Hotel is able to ensure the prompt assistance in case of sickness:

  • simply acting on a button the guest or staff can make an emergency call
  • immediately it’s sent an optical-acoustic signals on the reception screen
Risparmio-energetico-AVE-Domotica-Hotel ENERGY SAVINGS

DOMINA Hotel allows to limit exponentially consumption of the structures where it’s installed with obvious benefits in economical and operational terms through:

  • an intelligent lighting timing
  • a remote management of air conditioning and heating systems
Termoregolazione-ventilazione-domotica-hotel-3 THERMOREGULATION

Inside the restaurant area and the common areas, DOMINA Hotel is able to fully manage all the aspects related to the temperature control according to the profile:

  • by adjusting manually the desired temperature using local thermostats
  • by setting remotely the temperature or inhibiting the loads to limit energy waste
Antincendio-Domotica-hotel_ FIRE DETECTION

Thanks to seamless integration between DOMINA Hotel and the automatic fire detection systems DOMINA Antincendio, the hotelier can experience the benefits that result from the combination of these two systems.

  • Any outbreak of fire is appropriately recognized by the optical smoke detectors.
  • In case of alarm immediately appears a visual and audible signal on the reception display.



Installing home automation supervisors, you can ensure a perfect air circulation inside restaurant and common areas through Controlled Mechanical Ventilation units (CMV) that allow you to:

  • have an automatic air exchange according to the real environmental conditions
  • eliminate excessive humidity with consequent benefits for people and the building itself
  • receive information about system’s efficiency and the need of filters’ replacement