Kitchen and technical areas


cucina-e-locali-tecnici-Domotica-hotel Reception-Domotica-hotel Camera-Domotica-hotel Bagno-Domotica-hotel Wellness-Domotica-hotel Ristorante-aree-comuni-Domotica-hotel Aree-esterne-Domotica-hotel
You are in:
Kitchen and technical areas
Reception Room Bathroom Wellness Restaurant and common areas External areas


In addition to guest rooms and common areas, into hotels there are various enviroments whose access is allowed only to authorized staff members. They are part of these spaces kitchen, boiler room, storage room, elevator machine room and all kinds of technical areas.

The management of these enviroments in the most appropriate way is essentioal to ensure an optimal service to guests. In this regard, AVE’s software and hotel automation intervene to guarantee maximum security simplifying the management of these rooms.


limitazione-accessi-Domotica-hotel RESTRICTED AREA – AUTHORIZED PERSONAL ONLY

Thanks to the flexibility of DOMINA Hotel you can exploit the same technology used for external card readers:

  • to create cards for authorized personnel only
  • to restrict access only to authorized card
  • to record any access at all areas
Fughe-di-gas-Domotica-hotel_ GAS LEAKS

The hotel automation system developed by AVE can be configured to detect gas leaks which will be properly limited by:

  • automatic closing of the main delivery valve
  • interruption of the electricity in order to avoid possible fires
  • reporting on the reception display through an appropriate pop-up window
Fughe-di-acqua-Domotica-hotel_ WATER LEAKS

The hotel automation system developed by AVE can be configured to detect gas leaks which will be properly limited by:

  • automatic closing of the main delivery valve
  • interruption of the electricity in order to avoid possible fires
  • reporting on the reception display through an appropriate pop-up window
Antincendio-Domotica-hotel_ FIRE DETECTION

The technical rooms are areas where it’s essential to ensure maximum safety against the fire risk. Thanks to DOMINA Hotel and DOMINA Antincendio, when systems detect a principle of fire:

  • you will receive an optical-acoustic signal on the reception display
  • electrical loads will be properly disconnected